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Table 6 Recommendation items for case reports on acupuncture-related traumatic adverse events

From: The reporting quality of acupuncture-related traumatic adverse events: a systematic review of case studies in Korea




Characteristic of patients

Demographic data

Age, sex, social history (alcohol, smoking, job, etc.)

Height, Weight, or Body Mass Index (BMI)

Medical information

Underlying diseases with duration

Dosage of medication and other treatments

(anticoagulation, radiotherapy, etc.)

Consideration for individual risk factors for AEs

Consideration on possibility of spontaneous occurrence and other traumatic history

Individual vulnerability (sternal foramen, weight loss, cardiomegaly, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, vascular malformation, etc.)

Description regarding adverse events

Time relation between last acupuncture treatment and onset of symptom

Duration between last acupuncture treatment and onset of AE symptom

Specific timeline of last acupuncture treatment, onset of AE symptom, and diagnosis of AE

Radiologic or pathologic findings

Radiologic or pathologic findings

Radiological evidence indicating distance between needling site and trauma lesion

Clinical outcomes

Clinical diagnosis and medical management

Clinical outcome with follow-up (after a few weeks or years, whether there is recurrence or not)

Explanation of the association between needling site and lesion

Anatomical location

Points using WHO standard acupuncture point locations


Causality assessment using WHO-UMC criteria

Appraisal of the appropriateness of acupuncture

Description of acupuncture practice

Type of practitioner

Certification of practitioner with affiliation (local, hospital, unauthorized office)

Clinical training and experience period

Acupuncture type

Needle length

Needle diameter

Acupuncture points

Anatomical location

Name of acupuncture points with numbers of needles

Acupuncture stimulation

Depth and direction of insertion

Stimulation method (rotation, lift-thrust, respiration)

Posture of patient

Posture during treatment

Posture shift during treatment

Treatment regimen

Number of sessions

Concurrent treatment (chuna manual therapy, spinal manipulation, electroacupuncture, pharmaco-acupuncture, etc.)



Include acupuncture type (manual acupuncture, electroacupuncture, auricular acupuncture, etc.) and AEs

Include type of adverse events such as trauma or injury


Consult Korean Medicine doctor for the procedure of acupuncture treatment

Include qualified Korean Medicine doctor as authors


Discussion of previous reports of adverse events, disease specific characteristics, and other patient related risk factors

Based on appraisal of causality assessment and appropriateness of acupuncture in neutral attitude

  1. * AE, adverse event; WHO, World Health Organization
  2. † Desirable, information that would be recommended to be written in detail, especially reflecting the characteristic of traumatic AEs following acupuncture; Required, information that should be reported as a minimum