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Table 4 Adjusteda vaccination coverage levels of priority and non-priority adults by Chiropractic therapy use, 2002 National Health Interview Survey

From: Adult vaccination coverage levels among users of complementary/alternative medicine – results from the 2002 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)


Influenza % (95% CI)

Pneumococcal % (95% CI)

Hepatitis B % (95% CI)

Priority Adults

(n = 14,595)

(n = 9,596)

(n = 2,848)

Chiropractic use


   Use Chiropractic therapy

41.7 (39.9, 43.5)

40.3 (39.3, 42.7)

55.2 (50.3, 60.1)

   CAM user, non-chiropractic

44.9 (43.7, 46.1)*

40.7 (39.3, 42.1)

60.1 (57.6, 62.6)

   Never used CAM

38.3 (36.1, 40.5)*+

32.6 (30.2, 35.0)*+

56.7 (51.2, 62.2)

Non-Priority Adults

(n = 15,927)

(n = 20,328)

(n = 26,179)

Chiropractic use


   Use Chiropractic therapy

15.8 (14.2, 17.4)

6.9 (6.1, 7.7)

25.7 (23.9, 27.4)

   CAM user, non-chiropractic

16.3 (15.3, 17.3)

6.7 (6.1, 6.7)

26.8 (25.8, 27.8)

   Never used CAM

12.0 (10.6, 13.4)*+

4.5 (3.7, 5.3)*+

21.2 (19.6, 22.8)*+

  1. * denotes significantly different than chiropractic users; + denotes significantly different than non-chiropractic CAM users
  2. aMultivariable model adjusts for age, gender, race/ethnicity, education level, federal poverty level, region, having a usual source of care other than the emergency department, number of visits to a physician during the past 12 months, health insurance status, and smoking status.