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Table 3 The levels of total cholesterols and total triglycerides of feces

From: Aqueous extract of post-fermented tea reverts the hepatic steatosis of hyperlipidemia rat by regulating the lipogenic genes expression and hepatic fatty acid composition






TC (mmol/100 g)

11.14 ± 1.88

17.35 ± 1.32*

18.45 ± 2.56*

18.60 ± 1.29**

TG (mmol/100 g)

6.34 ± 1.00

6.74 ± 0.41

7.48 ± 078

8.63 ± 1.38

  1. HFC, high dose of fat chow group; LJT, low dose of Jing-wei fu tea group; MJT, medium dose of Jing-wei fu tea group; HJT, high dose of Jing-wei fu tea group.
  2. All data are presented as mean ± SEM, *Compared with HFC, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.