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Table 1 Questionnaire content

From: Positive patient experiences in an Australian integrative oncology centre


Measurement method

Previously identified theme

Q1. How do you feel immediately after a therapy session compared to when you first arrive?

9-point Likert scale


Q2. In what ways do you feel better or worse?

Short answer response


Q3. How important have complementary therapies been in gaining a sense of control over your own body/health?

Short answer response

Empowerment/sense of control

Q4. Would you recommend complementary therapies to other patients?

Yes or No


Q5. If asked by another patient or medical professional what would you say was the best thing you have gained from the complementary therapies?

Short answer response


Q6. What has been the biggest challenge?

Short answer response


Q7. What impact, if any, do you think complementary therapy has had on your quality of life during or post treatment?

Short answer response

Wellbeing/quality of life

Q8. What other factors, positive or negative do you believe have contributed to your quality of life?

Short answer response

Wellbeing/quality of life

Q9. Will complementary therapies play a significant role in your future lifestyle?

Yes or No


Q10. Before you started did you have any concerns/opinions/beliefs regarding complementary therapies?

Short answer response


Q11. Do you get support from other individuals who participate in the SolarisCare services or from within the centre? (i.e. emotional, motivational, informational, social)

Short answer response
