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Table 1 Characteristics of included CAM RCTs

From: An evaluation of the completeness of safety reporting in reports of complementary and alternative medicine trials


Sample Size Median (Q1-Q3), Total

Double-blind No. (%)

Significant results for efficacy No. (%)

Industry funded No. (%)

Longest duration to follow up ≥ 6 m, No. (%)

Paediatric population No. (%)

Therapeutic studies No. (%)

Combined Studies No. (%)

Multicenter trials No. (%)

Journal IF > 5, No. (%)

Acupuncture, n = 75

60 (32-102) 8,717

16 (21)

58 (77)

5 (7)

9 (12)

4 (5)

71 (95)

23 (31)

11 (15)

9 (12)

Chinese herbal Medicine, n = 46

71 (48-98) 6,170

20 (43)

36 (78)

3 (6.5)

6 (13)

2 (4)

32 (70)

12 (26)

11 (24)

1 (2)

Chiropractic, n = 6

32 (28-47) 402

1 (17)

4 (67)

1 (17)

1 (17)


5 (83)

2 (33)

1 (17)


Coenzyme Q-10, n = 8

56 (34-166) 789

8 (100)

6 (75)

2 (25)

4 (50)

2 (25)

5 (63)


1 (13)

2 (25)

Combination herbal products, n = 11

85 (52-97) 882

9 (82)

6 (55)

6 (55)

2 (18)

1 (9)

9 (82)

1 (9)

3 (27)


Fish oil/Omega 3, n = 29

64 (33-105) 2,671

25 (86)

14 (48)

7 (24)

10 (34)

4 (14)

14 (48)

6 (21)

3 (10)

2 (7)

Flax Seed, n = 6

48 (38-68) 321

4 (67)

4 (67)

1 (17)

1 (17)


2 (33)




Garlic supplements, n = 2

542 (303-780) 1,083

2 (100)

2 (100)

1 (50)

2 (100)



1 (50)



Gingko Biloba, n = 4

80 (56-835) 3,243

2 (50)

2 (50)

1 (25)

1 (25)


3 (75)


1 (25)

1 (25)

Ginseng, n = 6

62 (30-85) 394

5 (83)

2 (33)

3 (50)

1 (17)


2 (33)

1 (17)


2 (33)

Glucosamine, n = 3

22 (19-122) 260

1 (33)

2 (67)


2 (67)


3 (100)


1 (33)


Massage, n = 1

- 35

1 (100)

1 (100)








Traditional medicine, n = 8

66 (48-108) 643

5 (63)

7 (88)

2 (25)



6 (75)

1 (13)

3 (38)


TOTAL, (n = 205)

63 (36-100) 25,610

99 (48)

144 (70)

33 (16)

39 (19)

13 (6)

152 (74)

47 (23)

35 (17)

17 (8)

  1. '-' Denotes zero trials
  2. 'NR' Not reported