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Table 2 The alleviative role of RUT against VORTX toxicity on DNA purity and total ds DNA concentration in rats’ liver tissues

From: The ameliorating effect of Rutin on hepatotoxicity and inflammation induced by the daily administration of vortioxetine in rats


Mean ± SE

Purity A260/A280

Total dsDNA Concentration (mg/ml)

Control Rats (G1)

1.9216 ± 0.0205@

4.5566 ± 0.0923@

Rats exposed to RUT (G2)

1.9350 ± 0.0202@

4.5066 ± 0.0899@

Rats exposed to VORTX low dose (G3)

1.6566 ± 0.0543#

4.025 ± 0.0808$

Rats exposed to VORTX low dose + RUT (G4)

1.755 ± 0.0452#

4.3216 ± 0.1014@$

Rats exposed to VORTX high dose (G5)

1.1866 ± 0.0520$

2.1666 ± 0.1473%

Rats exposed to VORTX high dose + RUT (G6)

1.41 ± 0.0516%

3.3216 ± 0.1711&

  1. Values are expressed as mean ± SE of 6 rats per group. Values with the same superscript symbols are non-significant at (P>0.05) RUT = Rutin, Vortioxetine = VORTX