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Table 2 Risk of bias

From: Hypnosis in patients with perceived stress – a systematic review


Random sequence generation

(Selection Bias)

Allocation concealment

(Selection Bias)

Blinding of participants and personnel

(Performance Bias)

Blinding of outcome assessment

(Detection Bias)

Incomplete outcome data

(Attrition Bias)

Selective reporting

(Reporting Bias)

Barling, NR and Raine, SJ (2005) [41]




Cardena et al. (2013) [42]



Gruzelier et al. (2001) [43]



Kiecolt-Glaser JK et al. (1986) [44]




Kiecolt-Glaser JK et al. (2001) [45]



Naito A et al. (2003) [46]



Stanton HE (1989) [47]




Stanton HE (1991) [48]




Whitehouse et al. (1996) [49]




  1. Key: + low risk of bias, − high risk of bias,? unclear risk of bias