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Fig. 5 | BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Fig. 5

From: The antibacterial activity of extracts of nine plant species with good activity against Escherichia coli against five other bacteria and cytotoxicity of extracts

Fig. 5

Efficacy (mean TAA values, ml/g) of the different acetone extracts against all the test bacteria. The higher the TAA value, the more efficacious the plant. The quantity extracted from 1 g of CL can be diluted to 1417 ml and will still inhibit on average the different bacteria. HR = Hypericum roeperianum, CT = Cremaspora triflora, HA = Heteromorpha arborescens, PV = Pittosporum viridiflorum, BS = Bolusanthus speciosus, CA = Calpurnia aurea, ML = Maesa lanceolata, EC = Elaeodendron croceum, MM = Morus mesozygia

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