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Table 3 Percentage maximum vasoconstriction (%Vmax) and EC50 values of the test materials against P. E or K+ (80 mM)-induced contractions in rat aortic preparations

From: Pharmacological basis for the medicinal use of polyherbal formulation and its ingredients in cardiovascular disorders using rodents


Test materials

POL4 .Cr


Ci. Cr

Gs. Cr

Ns. Cr

Tfg. Cr

Effect against P.E (1 μM)-induced contractions

% Vmax/Conc. (mg/ml)

141.43 ± 4.63/1



221.66 ± 15.89***/1

131.95 ± 6.95*/0.03


Complete inhibition with resultant EC50 values with 95% confidence interval


0.417 mg/ml (0.31–0.54)

2.01 mg/ml (1.62–2.49)



2.29 mg/ml (1.15–4.56)

Effect against K+ (80 mM)-induced contractions

Complete inhibition with resultant EC50 values

4.70 mg/ml (3.94–5.60)

0.27 mg/ml (0.18–0.39)

0.31 mg/ml (0.19–0.52)

3.13 mg/ml (2.15–4.56)

0.68 mg/ml (0.41–1.14)

1.40 mg/ml (0.91–2.15)

  1. Data represents mean ± SEM of 4 to 7 experiments
  2. Abbreviations: POL 4 .Cr the crude extract of poly herbal formulation, Ci.Cr the crude extract of C. intybus, Gs.Cr the crude extract of G. sylvestre, Ns.Cr the crude extract of N. sativa, Tfg.Cr the crude extract of T. foenum graecum
  3. *p < 0.05 and ***p < 0.001 vs. POL4.Cr (Unpaired t-test)