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Table 1 Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of POL4 and its ingredients

From: Pharmacological basis for the medicinal use of polyherbal formulation and its ingredients in cardiovascular disorders using rodents

Test materials

Total phenolic contents (mg GAE/g of extract)

Total flavonoid contents (mg QE/g of extract)


18.56 ± 1.0

66.68 ± 0.87


11.27 ± 0.76

17.19 ± 1.52


24.73 ± 0.20

64.86 ± 0.86


10.15 ± 0.64

87.85 ± 0.50


39.88 ± 0.78

75.64 ± 0.70

  1. Results represent mean ± SD of 3 measurements
  2. Abbreviations: POL 4 .Cr the crude extract of polyherbal formulation, Ci.Cr the crude extract of C. intybus, Gs.Cr the crude extract of G. sylvestre, Ns.Cr the crude extract of N. sativa, Tfg.Cr the crude extract of T. foenum graecum, GAE gallic acid equivalent, QE quercetin equivalent