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Table 5 Effects of the aqueous extract of V. heterophylla on the serum parameters

From: Diuretic and antioxidant activities of the aqueous extract of leaves of Vepris heterophylla (Engl.) R. Let (Rutaceae) in rats

Drugs (mg/kg)

glucose (mg/dl)

Creatinine (mg/dl)

Urea (mg/dl)

Albumin (g/l)

Aldosterone (pg/mL)

Na+ (méq.L–1)

K+ (méq.L–1)

POSM (mosmol/kg)


89,22 ± 2,11

0,55 ± 0,22

21,12 ± 0,38

42,52 ± 1,14

279,34 ± 13,41

1,76 ± 0,43

1,80 ± 0,77

269,11 ± 11,11



90,45 ± 2,34*

0,62 ± 0,45*

22,38 ± 1,11

43,66 ± 1,22

281,22 ± 21,55

6,42 ± 0,75***

3,79 ± 1,66***

277,52 ± 12,33**


91,66 ± 4,33*

0,66 ± 0,57**

23,89 ± 2,44**

44,72 ± 2,34**

287,57 ± 12,12**

8,22 ± 1,56***

4,78 ± 2,52***

279,66 ± 21,42***


95,88 ± 3,41*

0,87 ± 0,29***

26,77 ± 2,33***

44,65 ± 3,67***

306,11 ± 32,22***

10,88 ± 1,56***

5,74 ± 1,16***

285,33 ± 23,43***

Furosemide (5 mg/kg)

95,67 ± 4,98*

0,75 ± 0,23***

24,56 ± 3,33**

44,43 ± 1,63**

302,53 ± 23,35***

11,22 ± 1,42***

6,73 ± 1,34***

284,21 ± 24,14***

HCTZ (10 mg/kg)

94,22 ± 3,55*

0,74 ± 0,61***

26,22 ± 1,13***

43,66 ± 1,32***

292,88 ± 11,23***

7,31 ± 1,72***

9,89 ± 2,51***

286,44 ± 31,56***

  1. Values are means ± S.E.M., n = 5, * < 0,05, ** < 0,01, *** < 0,001, significant difference compared to the control
  2. POSM plasma osmolality