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Table 4 Summary of the Interview Topic Guide

From: The use of biomedicine, complementary and alternative medicine, and ethnomedicine for the treatment of epilepsy among people of South Asian origin in the UK

Topic heading

Interviewer prompts

Nature of the study

Consent and confidentiality procedures: research aims

Personal information about informant

Demographics: household composition: family networks: length of time in UK: languages used.

Understandings about epilepsy

Diagnosis: beliefs about cause: impact on life: other health problems: knowledge of any other persons with epilepsy

Impact on lifestyle and relationships

Reactions of others – family/job/community: impact on what you can do: impact on mood: sources of support

Understandings about seizures

Frequency: severity: changes over time: triggers for seizures: reactions of others.

Experience of treatment provision

Language problems: medications: who would/do you go to for help: use of non-western therapies: satisfaction with care received.

Attitudes to the future

Beliefs about cure and control: ways to make things better.