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Table 4 Details of minor adverse events associated with treatments reported during the treatment period by the patients in the study

From: Treatments of pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women: adverse effects of standard treatment, acupuncture and stabilising exercises on the pregnancy, mother, delivery and the fetus/neonate

Adverse events


Standard Group (n = 130)

Acupuncture Group (n = 125)

Stabilising exercise group (n = 131)

Number of adverse events

8 in 8 women

64 in 43 women

22 in 22 women

Painful treatment


23 experienced pain from needles


Worsening of PGP

During and after exercises (n = 2)

During the same day that they had received treatment (n = 15)

During the exercises (n = 2)

Back pain



Thoracic pain (n = 1) LBP in the beginning of the treatment (n = 17)

Treatment discomfort-table

Rubbing from pelvic belt (n = 5)

Unpleasant treatment (n = 5)


Drowsiness after treatment


(n = 12)


Psychological and emotional reactions


Intense emotional release, (feeling energised) (n = 1)


Miscellaneous symptoms

Uterine contractions during exercise (n = 1)

Headache plus severe drowsiness the same day as the treatment and the day after (n = 1); headache the day of the treatment (n = 1); rash developed on the place of the needles a few days after treatment (n = 2); severe nausea with feeling faint, sweating and dizziness (n = 4).

Premature bleeding (n = 1); premature contractions (n = 1)