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Table 5 Phytochemical analysis of the chloroform:methanol extract of the green berries of S. villosum

From: Mosquito larvicidal activities of Solanum villosum berry extract against the dengue vector Stegomyia aegypti

Solvents used

Spraying reagents

R f values (and appearance) of the positive spot

Presence/absence of phytochemicals

Acetone-hexane (4:1)

Antimony chloride in concentrated hydrochloric acid


Absence of sapogenins

Methanol-concentrated ammonium hydroxide (200:3)


0.95, 0.96 (green)

Presence of alkaloids



0.95, 0.82, 0.68 (reddish pink)

Presence of steroids

Chloroform:benzene (1:1)

Vanillin-sulphuric acid

0.99 (violet blue)

Presence of essential oil

Chloroform:acetic acid:water (90:45:6)

Saturated alcoholic sodium acetate

0.98 (green)

Presence of flavonoids

Ethyl acetate:benzene (1:1)

Folin reagent

0.98, 0.94 (blue)

Presence of phenolics




Presence of protein

Chloroform on silica gel plate treated with silver nitrate

Antimony chloride in chloroform

0.97, 0.48 (green)

Presence of terpenoids