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Table 2 Principle topics for "entry" and "exit" interviews

From: Homeopathy – what are the active ingredients? An exploratory study using the UK Medical Research Council's framework for the evaluation of complex interventions

"Entry" Interview Topics

Prior experience of conventional treatment for index condition

Referral pathway to BHH (e.g. initiated by whom?)

Prior experience of homeopathy (self, family, friends, media)

Attractions of homeopathy

Expectations about content of first homeopathic consultation

Thoughts on the "mind body link" in relation to their problem

Expectations about outcome of homeopathic treatment

Thoughts on how homeopathy "works"

"Exit" Interview Topics

Process of care

   Experience of homeopathic treatment

   Insights into self and health through care process

   Comparison with other health care experiences

   Comparison of prior expectations with perceived reality of care

   Experience of personal attributes of homeopathic doctor


   Beliefs on how this was chosen

   Understanding of the nature of the remedy

   Experience of taking the remedy


   Health changes over treatment period

   Health changes in relation to other measures such as questionnaire scores

Views on relative influences of consultations, remedies, chance etc