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Table 3 Percentage inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and IC 50 values

From: Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of Abrus precatorius leaf extracts - an in vitro study


Type of cell line


Colo – 205





%age Inhibition

IC 50 Value

% age Inhibition

IC 50 Value

% age Inhibition

IC 50 Value

% age Inhibition

IC 50 Value

APE (200 μg/mL)

68.33 ± 1.41*

29.57 ± 2.02

66.40 ± 5.44*

35.94 ± 2.10

53.33 ± 1.21*

44.31 ± 3.07

61.34 ± 1.32*

37.00 ± 2.38

APA (200 μg/mL)

92.25 ± 2.05***

18.91 ± 1.06

92.80 ± 6.34*

26.74 ± 1.34

88.52 ± 3.04**

27.03 ± 1.03

94.12 ± 3.34**

26.89 ± 3.24

Doxorubicin (Standard) 10 μg/mL

94.81 ± 3.42

0.41 ± 0.08

94.20 ± 4.11

0.39 ± 0.10

89.18 ± 3.42

0.47 ± 0.08

95.20 ± 3.11

0.39 ± 0.11

DMSO 2% (Solvent control)

6.67 ± 1.67


3.33 ± 0.78


3.13 ± 1.01


4.33 ± 0.78


  1. Values were the means of four replicates ± standard deviation (SD). Significant p value (*** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01 and * p <0.05 were obtained by Student’s t test analysis. Composite treatments were compared using one-way analysis of variances (ANOVA) and probability values were found to be equal to or less than 0.05 for all the four cell lines.