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Table 1 List of plant species used in the investigation, their traditional uses and references

From: Some southern African plant species used to treat helminth infections in ethnoveterinary medicine have excellent antifungal activities

Plant species


Medicinal uses


Brachylaena discolor

Asteraceae (267)

Purgatives against intestinal parasites, anthelmintics for calves, sheep and goats


Zanthoxylum capense

Rutaceae (96)

Gastric and intestinal disorders, anthelmintics, cough, bronchitis, pleurisy

[7, 9]

Clerodendrum glabrum

Lamiaceae (403)

Intestinal parasites, coughs, fever and diabetes


Heteromorpha trifoliata

Apiaceae (491)

Intestinal worms, colic in horses and vermifuge, enemas for abdominal disorders

[7, 8, 10]

Apodytes dimidiata

Icacinaceae (139)

Enemas for intestinal parasites, purgatives, inflammation of the ear

[7, 8, 10]

Strychnos mitis

Strychnaceae (73)

Malaria, Fevers


Maesa lanceolata

Maesaceae (615)

Anthelmintics, treatment of wounds and infertility


Indigofera frutescens

Papilionaceae (675)



Leucosidea sericea

Rosaceae (288)

Treatment of opthalmia, anthelmintics, astringents and vermifuge

[8, 12]

Melia azedarach

Meliaceae (702)

Effective anthelmintics, emetic, cathartic and treatment of eczema

[8, 9, 13]

Clausena anisata

Rutaceae (317)

Anthelmintics, purgatives, rheumatism, fevers and myiasis


Cyathea dregei

Cyatheaceae (658)



Milletia grandis

Papilionaceae (704)

Anthelmintics and tranquilizers

[8, 15]

  1. (PRU voucher specimen numbers provided after family names).