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Table 1 Demographic characteristics

From: Attitudes towards complementary and alternative medicine in chronic pain syndromes: a questionnaire-based comparison between primary headache and low back pain


Headache (n = 432)

LBP (n = 194)

p value

Gender a


< .001

Male, n (%)

106 (24.5)

74 (38.1)


Female, n (%)

326 (75.5)

120 (61.9)


Age, mean (SD)b

40.1 (13.8)

58.2 (14.3)

< .001

Marital status a


< .001

Single, n (%)

132 (30.8)

8 (4.2)


Partnership, n (%)

254 (59.2)

123 (64.1)


Divorced/widowed, n (%)

43 (9.0)

61 (29.8)


Educational level a


< .001

No vocational training, n (%)

69 (16.3)

15 (8.2)


Vocational training, n (%)

250 (59.1)

141 (76.6)


University degree, n (%)

93 (22)

26 (14.1)


Other, n (%)

11 (2.6)

2 (1.1)


Employment statistics a


< .001

Fulltime work, n (%)

202 (47.5)

60 (31.9)


Parttime work, n (%)

81 (19.1)

13 (6.9)


Unemployed/housewife, n (%)

93 (21.9)

22 (11.7)


Pensioner, n (%)

32 (7.5)

80 (42.6)


Invalidity, n (%)

17 (4)

13 (6.9)


Family members by the same pain condition, n (%) a

254 (60.3)

68 (37.6)

< .001

  1. aχ2 test was run; b t test was run