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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population and CAM use by these characteristics of the respondents

From: The use of complementary and alternative medicine products in preceding two days among Finnish parents - a population survey


No. (% of the responses, n = 4032)

CAM use (% of the respondents, n = 1242)

CAM non users (% of the respondents, n = 2720)

Pearson x 2 P

Age, years


p < 0.001

   Under 30

686 (17.2)

165 (24.4)

510 (75.6)



2126 (53.4)

684 (32.5)

1418 (67.5)


   40 and over

1172 (29.4)

380 (33.0)

772 (67.0)




p < 0.001


177 (94.8)

26 (14.9)

148 (85.1)



3830 (4.4)

1205 (32.1)

2552 (67.9)


Prescribed medicine use


p < 0.001

   No prescribed medicine use

2409 (60.2)

680 (29)

1706 (71.5)


   One or more prescribed medicines

1591 (39.8)

558 (36)

1007 (64.3)


OTC medicine use


p = 0.027

   No OTC medicine use

3078 (77.5)

927 (30.4)

2120 (69.6)


   One or more OTC medicines (vitamins not included)

893 (22.5)

302 (34.4)

577 (65.6)




p < 0.001

   Junior high school or less (≤ 9 years)

252 (6.3)

54 (22.0)

191 (78.0)


   Senior high school/vocational school (11-13 years)

2456 (61.4)

740 (30.6)

1679 (69.4)


   Polytechnic, college or university degree (≥ 15 years)

1291 (32.3)

441 (34.5)

839 (65.5)


Working status


p = 0.788

   Working or studying

2698 (67.3)

826 (31.0)

1835 (69.0)


   Home with children

1119 (27.9)

355 (32.2)

748 (67.8)


   Not working (including persons on sick leave, retired, and unemployed)

194 (4.8)

60 (31.3)

132 (68.8)


Monthly net income of the household in euros


p = 0.009

   ≤ 1999 €

797 (20.7)

214 (27.3)

569 (72.7)


   € 2000-2999

1292 (33.5)

401 (31.5)

874 (68.5)


   € 3000-3999

1419 (36.8)

481 (34.3)

923 (65.7)


   € 4000-10000

347 (9.0)

103 (30.3)

237 (69.7)