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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Cognitive enrichment through art: a randomized controlled trial on the effect of music or visual arts group practice on cognitive and brain development of young children

Inclusion criteria

School grade 2P/3P/4Pa

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Right-handedness [80, 81]

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Sufficient Mastery of the French Language

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Able to give oral informed consent (child)

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Able to give written informed consent (parent)

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

If No, exclude

Exclusion criteria

Non-consent (children and or parents)

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Repeated a class with respect to standard curriculum

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Not corrected/severe hearing deficits

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Not corrected/severe vision deficits

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Left-handed or ambidextrous

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Severe neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. severe dyslexia, severe ADHD)

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Younger than 6 in the month following the beginning of interventions

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Older than 8 in the month preceding the beginning of study interventions

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Protocolled music instrumental practice in the preceding year

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Protocolled visual arts courses in the preceding year

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

MRI incompatibility (physical or psychological)

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

Psychometric battery incompatibility (physical or psychological)

â–¡ Yes

â–¡ No

If Yes, exclude

  1. Nota Bene: Children unable to pass the psychometric battery (lack of concentration or unable to perform the tasks) or the MRI battery (unable to lay still or perform the fMRI task) at baseline will be excluded from further participation. This will be clearly mentioned in the informed consent.
  2. a2P/3P/4P correspond to 5-to-8 YOA in the Swiss public school system. A child enters in 3P if it turns six before July 31 of that school year. 2P, 3P, and 4P in the Swiss system correspond to Grades 2, 3 and 4 of USA Elementary school.